
Guides & Reports

Information-driven care

Information-driven care is an quite unique approach to healthcare that leverages the rapid integration of digital technology throughout society that’s focused on being preventive and precise. It uses data and fact-based methodology to provide the right care to the right person at the right time.  

Facts and figures about Halland

A tailor-made report with everything you need to know about Halland as a thriving business destination. Whether you’re an entrepreneur seeking new opportunities, communicating about living and doing business in Halland, or someone eager to connect with the vibrant spirit of the region, this report is made just for you.

Talent City Index Halland

A comprehensive rapport of Halland’s attraction factors among residents, non-residents and highly desired professions.

Halland – An emerging blue food node

Want to know more about the opportunities within blue and green food? Dive into Halland. An emerging ecosystem on the verge of established.

Blue food

Mapping: Digital Technology 2022

Mapping of the business environment and the investment opportunities in Halland.

Onsala Space observatory Onsala rymdobservatorium