Bustling Business Community
Innovation arenas
Innovation arenas in Halland.
The open and collaborative environment in Halland has generated several innovation arenas with different focus and competence.
Innovation arena
HighFive is a regional, Halmstad based innovation arena, opportunity enabler and growth creator. Within HighFive there are two incubators. One for sustainable, scalable growth companies and one that function as a project arena and meeting place for students.
The focus areas within HighFive are data driven innovation, human centred AI and sustainability.
Leap for Life
Innovation arena
Leap for Life is an innovation center for information-driven care – a place for the healthcare world’s pioneers. Leap for Life, bring together actors to collaborate, drive innovation and act as an engine for change in healthcare – regionally, nationally, and internationally.
Alex Hall
Leap for Life – Hallands innovation centre for connected health.

The Loop Factory
Innovation arena
Specialized in developing and realising sustainable solutions within materials, products and technology solutions with core competences within sustainable strategies, renewable and unused resources.
Innovation arena
Experts in cooperative entrepreneurship and creating solutions to societal challenges through collaboration and entrepreneurship. Offers free advice, information and inspiration.
Envolve Earth
Innovation arena
Envolve is a project for creating a resilient and regenerative food production through a transformative testbed and venture ecosystem for groundbreaking innovation in agtech, foodtech and carbon farming to deliver on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
ENVOLVE is an ecosystem based upon a transformative and integrative approach where ”species” of societal actors ranging from innovative agtech, foodtech and carbontech ventures to large traditional industrial corporations connect and catalyze. It is a platform for companies to ”test before invest” and provides a virtual infrastructure, a physical infrastructure for all societal actors to integrate and innovate.
Innovation arena
Through cutting-edge expertise and strategic collaborations, Hushållningssällskapet develops the countryside of the future. The goal is to contribute to a successful countryside that is competitive, sustainable and developing.
Hushållningssällskapet work with research- and development projects in areas that affect rural areas and entrepreneurship. They offer knowledge and competence in business development, nature- and water management, environment, climate, field trials and cultivation, etc.
Want to talk about investing in Halland? Get in touch here.
Alex Hall
Fab Lab at Halmstad University drive social change by technichal innovation and collaboration.