Bustling Business Community
Not to small but not too big
Doing business in Halland
- Over 340 000 innovative inhabitants
- Well educated population
- Entrepreneurial tradition
- Strong innovation clusters
- International research environments
- Established collaborations between academia, business and public sector
- Swedish Export Region of the Year 2021

Innovation Arenas & Incubators
In Halland the spirit of collaboration goes between business, academia, and public sector. As a result of this, there are several innovative and effective platforms that allow people with different knowledge and expertise to meet and co-create.

Academia & Research
Halland has a well-educated population. The region is home to Halmstad University with around 12,000 students and Campus Varberg that offer vocational education.

Dynamic business opportunities
Halland is a diverse business region that offers dynamic business opportunities within four key areas: Connected Health, Digital Technology, Future Food and Smart Solutions

A part of Greater Copenhagen
Greater Copenhagen Region is the geographical area covering Halland and Skåne in Southern Sweden and Copenhagen Capital Region and Zeeland in Eastern Denmark. It is the largest metropolitan area in the Nordics and with 4.4 million inhabitants, it is also the largest recruitment base of high-skilled employees in Scandinavia.
Want to know more?

Start a business in Sweden
Setting up and running a business in Sweden is a surprisingly easy and straightforward process. With the help of Business Sweden’s guides, you will receive practical advice that helps you at every step of the way.

High Five – Innovation Arena
HighFive is a regional, Halmstad based innovation arena, opportunity enabler and growth creator. High Five host two incubators – one for sustainable, scalable growth companies and one for students – a project arena and a meeting place. The focus areas within High Five are data driven innovation, human centred AI and sustainability.